
For a Digital Copy of
Trev and Lisa’s EP
An Ocean Apart
Click Here to order

Included are these five songs:
I Like Bein’ Me, Candy, In Favor of Me, Your Eyes, You Gave My Heart




Coming soon:
Digital and hard copy of
An Ocean of Kisses...






Lyric Zine

Click HERE to order a HARD copy
Click HERE to order an instant PDF
Lisa The Country Fairey’s Lyrics
Volume 1, October 2017


Sheet Music


Sheet music for school orchestra
and Trev’s j
azz solos for cello (or violin)



Beauty Care Products


*I support this cosmetic company, Beauty Counter, as they do not test any of their products on animals AND they banned the use of 1,500+ chemicals commonly used by other cosmetic companies!  I believe in their products and mission so much that I became a consultant!  Feel free to check it out HERE.