



This was not an easy song to write!  Sometimes we have an idea of the topic.  Other times, we don’t.  These first five tunes we were figuring things out and how to write as a duo.  I’d written some songs before I met Trev, but wanted to expand the harmonic structure.  As my guitar skills were limited I used writing to learn how to play a new chord, or a progression or riff, etc.  So it was a nice change, but added a challenge to have a guy who was highly knowledgable when it came to a harmonic sequence. 

We started with Trev’s chords and it was my task to write lyrics and a melody over it.  I love this way of writing.  It’s not so easy, but I love how the chord sequence sets the tone and feel.  It proved to be a little difficult for me to come up with a melody, but I had an idea of lyrics.  So to get past a block for this song, I just spoke them to a rhythm in an effort to get an idea of where I thought it should go.  What came out was so easy and natural.  I sent it to Trev and he thought it was great and liked it too!  Neither one of us really considered writing a country rap or whatever you want to classify it as, but we both are quite happy with how it turned out.  You know at the end of the day, it’s just an expression of a thought.  We had a lot of fun playing with this one and stretching our skills!  Hope you like it!

A special thank you to our friend, Petra (CoreBar Fitness Instructor and Property Manager in Spain), who shot the video footage of all the Spanish candies and churros at one of the markets, featuring her lovely daughter and the Churreria of Duquesa.  

What’s your favorite candy?  Do you have one?
On day three, tomorrow, you’ll get a gorgeous view of… 


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BONUS Content

The first time I ever had oysters was when I lived in Paris.  I was never interested to try them before, but they are very popular there and are displayed in restaurant windows and markets.  So I gave it a shot and loved them!  Who knew there were so many varieties and flavors?!  While oysters are not as popular in Spain, you can still find them when in season.  The only thing you can’t really find, or at least I was never able to, is a shucker!  So this is what I ended up doing so I could enjoy the delicious treat…    


Trev’s Tales (2):